Question Code: 230/2023
Medium of Question- English
Cat. No 053/2021 |
Date of Test : 22.11.2023

1. One person using a computer to send e-mail messages to twenty thousand people signed onto a Listserv dedicated to a particular subject is :
(A) Interpersonal Communication
(B) Intrapersonal communication
(C) Mass Communication
(D) Group Communication

2. On a continuum that stretches from interpersonal communication at one end to mass communication at the other, which of the following increases :
(A) Involvement of the receivers in the communication process
(B) Control of the receivers over the communication
(C) Mutual acquaintance of the receivers involved in the communication
(D) Number of the receivers involved in the communication

3. Which is not one of the three basic communication functions identified by Harold Lasswell in 1948 :
(A) Surveillance
(B) Entertainment
(C) Transmission of cultural heritage
(D) Correlation

4. According to the semiotics school of thought, communication is :
(A) Transmission of message
(B) Sharing of message
(C) Production and exchange of meanings
(D) The process of relationship building

5. Communication was defined in 1967 as ‘social interaction through messages’ by :
(A) George Gerbner
(B) Wilbur Schramm
(C) Janowitz
(D) Lawrence Kincaid

6. Semantic Noise in the communication process is linked primarily to :
(A) Physiological problems
(B) Physical environment
(C) Psychological problems
(D) Understanding problems

7. In persuasive public communication, Logos refers to :
(A) The power of reason and evidence in text and speech
(B) The character of the speaker
(C) The emotions elicited in an audience
(D) The nature of the audience

8. Proxemics as a type of non-verbal communication is related to the use of :
(A) Personal and Physical space
(B) Body signals
(C) Body touch
(D) Colour

9. The five essential elements of communication in Aristotle’s model of communication do not include :
(A) Speaker
(B) Speech
(C) Feedback
(D) Occasion

10. The Newcomb’s ABX model was expanded with inclusion of an additional element C to develop the Westley and MacLean’s model of communication in 1957. The C denotes :
(A) Gatekeeper
(B) Context
(C) Content
(D) Culture

11. Which of the following is true about a mass media institution?
(I) Main activity is production and distribution of symbolic content
(II) Professional and bureaucratization in form
(III) Operate in the private sphere
(IV) Participations as sender or receiver is voluntary
(A) (I), (II) and (III)
(B) (I), (II) and (IV)
(C) (II), (III) and (IV)
(D) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)

12. In which type of communication models feedback would be missing :
(A) Action/Transmission models
(B) Interaction models
(C) Transactional models
(D) Convergence models

13. ‘Mass communication comprise the institutions and techniques by which specialized groups employ technical devices to disseminate symbolic content to large, heterogeneous and widely dispersed audiences’ was said by :
(A) Wilbur Schramm
(B) Janowitz
(C) Max Weber
(D) George Gerbner

14. Who commented ‘there are no masses, only ways to seeing people as masses’ :
(A) Herbert Blumer
(B) Raymond Williams
(C) Wilbur Schramm
(D) Robert Park

15. The mass Communication process is not characterized by :
(A) Large-scale distribution
(B) One-directional flow
(C) Symmetrical relation
(D) Impersonal and anonymous

16. Who was the first to define mass as a new type of social formation, by contrasting it with group, crowd, and public :
(A) Raymond Williams
(B) Denis McQuail
(C) Herbert Blumer
(D) Elliot Friedson

17. According to the flow of information it facilitates, New Media is referred to as :
(A) One-to-one media
(B) One-to-many media
(C) Many-to-Many media
(D) Many-to-one media

18. Which of the statements is not true?
(A) In intrapersonal communication, the individual is treated as self-contained communication system
(B) In interpersonal communication, persons in a face-to-face encounter sustain a focused interaction through the reciprocal exchange of verbal and non-verbal cues
(C) In group communication, alliances within a group influence the framework of interpersonal settings.
(D) Public communication is characterized by verbal exchange between the speaker and audience.

19. According to Arthur Asa Berger, the five important elements involved in the communication process known as focal points in mass communication are :
(A) Artwork-Artists-Medium- Audience-Response
(B) Artwork-Artists-Medium-Audience-Society (Context)
(C) Artwork-Medium-Audience-Context-feedback
(D) Artwork-Artist-Audience-Context-Response

20. What is true about communication ?
(I) It is static and not dynamic
(II) It involves sharing of meaning
(III) It is as personal as the individual who use it
(IV) It cannot exist in the absence of a receiver
(A) (I), (II) and (III)
(B) (II), (III) and (IV)
(C) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
(D) (I), (III) and (IV)

21. The experimental Radio Mathematics Project (RMP) programme created and introduced an ICT known as :
(A) Utility radio
(B) Interactive radio
(C) Community radio
(D) Ham radio

22. When India attained independence, there were six radio stations in India, in the following places :
(A) Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin and Jaipur
(B) Bombay, Vishakhapatnam, Madras, Tiruchirapalli, Cochin and Jaipur
(C) Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Tiruchirapalli and Lucknow
(D) Bombay, Vishakhapatnam, Madras, Cochin, Bhopal and Lucknow

23. The term Tabloidese denotes :
(A) The people who read the tabloid press
(B) The language of the tabloid press
(C) The centre where the tabloid is printed
(D) The person who sells the tabloid press

24. The M.S. Swaminathan Research Institute, Pondicherry established Cyber Kiosk called as :
(A) Village Knowledge Centres
(B) Integrated Tribal Development Project
(C) National Rural Livelihood Mission
(D) Rural Areas Economic Development Programme

25. In a newspaper, a small, short heading, often consisting of just one or two words selected from the paragraph is known as :
(A) Overline
(B) Dateline
(C) Byline
(D) Cross-head

26. Communicatee is also known as :
(A) The person who sends the Communication
(B) The person who receives the Communication
(C) The medium that is used for sending a message
(D) The feedback sent by the receiver

27. In which of the following ownership patterns the same media company owns numerous
outlets in a single medium?
(A) Monopoly
(B) Oligopoly
(C) Chain ownership
(D) Cross media ownership

28. The model based on the assumption that messages in mass communication passes through different checkpoints before they are actually received by audience is known as :
(A) Gate Keeping Model
(B) Davis - Foulger’s Model
(C) Barnlund’s Transactional Model
(D) Osgood - Schramm Model

29. A scientific study of feedback system in humans, animals and machines is called as :
(A) Cybernetics
(B) Decryption
(C) Cryptojacking
(D) Cybernauts

30. The term used to describe a society which would move to the point at which the production of information values became the formative force for the development of society is :
(A) Post-modern society
(B) Global village
(C) Industrial society
(D) Information society

31. The theorists of dominant paradigm of communication and social change are :
(A) George Gerbner, Elihu Katz and Albert Bandura
(B) Jurgen Habermas, Herbert Spencer and Harold Innis
(C) Everett Rogers, Daniel Lerner and Wilbur Schramm

(D) Dennis McQuail, Jurgen Habermas and Elihu Katz

32. The structure of Development Support Communication is :
(A) Horizontal knowledge sharing between participants
(B) Vertical knowledge sharing between participants
(C) Diagonal knowledge sharing between participants
(D) Slant knowledge sharing between participants

33. The communication model of development communication in the modernization paradigm is :
(A) Symbolic, Upward, Paralanguage communication
(B) Linear, Top-down, Transmission of information
(C) Non-Linear, Upward, Signifier
(D) Semiotic, Diagonal, Decoding

34. The term magic multipliers mean :
(A) Mass media are watchdogs of the society
(B) Internet keeps audience informed
(C) Mass media are agents of social change

(D) Mobile phones are a source of entertainment

35. The participatory model in communication for development is also called as :
(A) Organic model
(B) Inorganic model
(C) Mechanistic model
(D) Diffusion model

36. In development communication, the Bretton Woods School of Thought supports the :
(A) Dominant Development Paradigm
(B) Alternative Development Paradigm
(C) Dependency Development Paradigm
(D) Participatory Development Paradigm

37. In development initiatives when stakeholders participate by providing feedback to questions posed by outside researchers or experts, it is called as :
(A) Passive participation
(B) Functional participation
(C) Participation by consultation
(D) Empowered participation

38. Community media is also known as :
(A) Folk media
(B) Traditional media
(C) Social media
(D) Citizens media

39. From which of the following traditions, did the dependency approach in development communication emerge?
(A) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
(B) Structuralism and the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin America
(C) World Health Organization (WHO)
(D) International programme for the development of communication

40. The individuals whose economic position forces them to be extremely cautious in adopting innovations are called as :
(A) Early adopters
(B) Laggards
(C) Early majority
(D) Late majority

41. According to Daniel Lerner’s theory, what is the key factor that helps traditional societies become modern?
(A) Embracing western manufacturing technology
(B) Increasing urbanization
(C) Western political structures
(D) Mass communication

42. In Lerner’s model of modernization, what role did empathy play in the transformation of traditional societies into modern ones?
(A) Empathy was not considered in his model
(B) Empathy was the primary factor driving modernization
(C) Empathy was a key psychosocial factor in the modernization process
(D) Empathy was only relevant for Western countries

43. According to Wilbur Schramm’s communication model, what is a key factor that impacts the interpretation of a message?
(A) The medium of communication
(B) The length of the message
(C) The encoding process
(D) The receiver’s background, experience, and knowledge

44. According to Schramm’s model, when is communication considered incomplete or ineffective?
(A) When the message is transmitted through a medium
(B) When encoding and decoding take place
(C) When feedback is provided by the receiver
(D) When there is no feedback from the receiver

45. According to Everett Rogers’ theory of diffusion of innovations, what are the four key elements of diffusion?
(A) Ideas communication channels time, and human capital
(B) Innovations, communication channels, time and social system
(C) Innovations, persuasion, knowledge, and confirmation
(D) Ideas, communication channels, social system and authority

46. In the context of the Diffusion of Innovation theory, which stage involves individuals seeking details and information about a new innovation and showing a strong interest in it?
(A) Decision
(B) Implementation
(C) Confirmation
(D) Persuasion

47. What is the primary purpose of a development strategy?
(A) To define economic priorities and identify policy tools
(B) To engage stakeholders and policy makers
(C) To establish conducive environments for social development
(D) To promote information exchange for social change

48. What does Development Communication aim to achieve?
(A) To discuss a problem
(B) Planning policy development
(C) Facilitating social development through communication
(D) Drafting and enacting policies

49. What is the function of development communication?
(A) To facilitate social change through information exchange
(B) To define economic conceptions
(C) To create a vision for future generation
(D) To draft and prepare policies for enactment

50. In the context of development communication, what is the key role of information exchange?
(A) Assessing risks and opportunities
(B) Creating a vision with normative goals
(C) Establishing conductive environments
(D) Promoting positive social change via sustainable means

51. According to Adam Smith, what happens to the rate of profit in a country as its capital stock expands and development occurs?
(A) The rate of profit declines
(B) The rate of profit increases
(C) The rate of profit fluctuates unpredictably
(D) The rate of profit remains constant

52. Who developed the Rostovian take-off model, which postulates that economic modernization occurs in five stages?
(A) John Maynard Keynes
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Simon Kuznets
(D) W.W. Rostow

53. What did Malthus argue about the relationship between human population growth and food production in his Malthusian model?
(A) Human population increases arithmetically, while food production increases geometrically
(B) Human population and food production increase at the same rate
(C) Human population increases geometrically, while food production increases arithmetically
(D) Human population and food production are completely unrelated

54. According to the Ricardian system, which group is primarily responsible for initiating the process of economic development in society?
(A) Capitalists
(B) Labourers
(C) Landlords
(D) Expanding population

55. According to Karl Marx, what is the main cause of social change in society?
(A) Political revolutions
(B) Technological advancements
(C) The mode of production
(D) Religious ideologies

56. According to Gandhi, what is the key element of human development that goes beyond the material or economic aspects?
(A) Economic prosperity
(B) Moral development
(C) Technological advancement
(D) Social equality

57. Which approach to development equated development with economic growth and promoted the idea of “modernizing” underdeveloped countries by emulating the behavior of capitalist-driven Western economies?
(A) Modernisation approach
(B) Postcolonial approach
(C) Traditionalist approach
(D) Cultural preservation approach

58. According to the modernisation paradigm, mostly what was the focus of communication in the context of development?
(A) Dissemination of traditional beliefs
(B) One-way communication model (Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver)
(C) Promoting cultural preservation
(D) Encouraging cultural insensitivity

59. What characterizes the strategy of communication in the alternative paradigm of development?
(A) Grass root-level communication
(B) Top-down communication
(C) Overuse of natural resources
(D) Exclusively relying on external labor

60. According to the alternative paradigm of development, what is the approach to utilizing local natural and human resources?
(A) Overexploit local resources
(B) Import resources from outside the region
(C) Use local resources usefully
(D) Discard local resources

61. What type of communication is used in health promotion efforts to design campaigns for influencing public health knowledge?
(A) Strategic Communication
(B) Health communication
(C) Development communication
(D) Rural communication
Question Cancelled

62. What is the highly effective health campaign?
(A) Traditional public health campaigns
(B) Modern campaigns
(C) Global campaigns
(D) Mass media campaigns
Question Cancelled

63. Expand THCRP :
(A) Tribal Health Care Rural Program
(B) The Home Care Research Program
(C) The Tribal Health Care Research Program
(D) The Health Care Revenue Program

64. Which is the national health campaign of India?
(A) Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
(B) Anemia Mukt Bharat
(C) Beware of adulteration
(D) All of these

65. What is called an excessive amount of information about a problem that is typically unreliable?
(A) Information superhighway
(B) infodemic
(C) Pandemic
(D) All of the above

66. Name the welfare programme of Kerala government for widows
(A) Ashakiranam
(B) Aardhram
(C) Kathorthu
(D) Abhayakiranam

67. NIRTH stands for :
(A) National Institute of Rural Tribal Health
(B) Nature of International Research in Rural Health
(C) National Research in Rural Health
(D) National Institute for Research in Tribal Health

68. What is called the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health?
(A) Health promotion
(B) Health problem
(C) Campaign
(D) Awareness

69. A special drive to vaccinate all unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children under UIP is called :
(A) Mission Vaccine
(B) Mission Indraprastha
(C) Mission Indradhanush
(D) Mission Development

70. Name the scheme launched by the State Government to save the State from the financial loss following the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to focus more on agriculture and allied sectors and food production
(A) Suraksha Keralam
(B) Subhiksha keralam
(C) Arike
(D) Ashakiranam

71. What is called the involvement of ordinary people in a development process leading to change?
(A) Communication
(B) Development
(C) Participation
(D) Social change

72. In which participation is primary stakeholders are capable and willing to initiate the process and take part in the analysis :
(A) Empowerment participation
(B) Enrichment participation
(C) Enrolment participation
(D) Enforcement participation

73. A planned activity, based on the participatory processes, and media and interpersonal communication, which facilitates a dialogue among different stakeholders, around a common development problem or goal is called :
(A) Interpersonal communication
(B) Participatory development communication
(C) Development communication
(D) Group communication

74. Total Uplift of all without excluding any single individual and seeks to solve all kinds of social problems relating to people in their mutual relationship with each other
(A) Sarvodaya movement
(B) Sarva Sikha Abhiyan
(C) Sarvajana Abhiyan
(D) Sarva raksha movement

75. Which was the first community radio station in India owned by an NGO?
(A) Sangam Radio
(B) Anna Radio
(C) Radio Mattoli
(D) Radio Naithal

76. Expand FLAW
(A) Functional Literacy for Adult Women
(B) Fundamental Life for Adult Women
(C) Funded Law for Adult Women
(D) Fundamental Law for Adult Women

77. Which literacy campaign is launched in Ernakulam district on January 26 1989?
(A) Least Literacy Campaign
(B) Total Literacy Campaign
(C) Literacy Campaign for Ernakulam District
(D) National Literacy Mission

78. In which years development communication emerged as a field of mass communication?
(A) Post world war II
(B) Post world war I
(C) Pre world war II
(D) Pre World war I

79. “An idea perceived as new by the individual” is called :
(A) Development
(B) Communication
(C) Participation
(D) Innovation

80. In which book Wilbur Schramm introduced magic multiplier theory?
(A) Mass media
(B) Development Communication
(C) Mass Media and National Development
(D) Participatory communication

81. Pick out the ‘brown good’ among the following :
(A) Coffee machine
(B) Television
(C) Washing machine
(D) Microwave oven

82. Expand SWOT Analysis :
(A) Sustainability, Weaknesses, Overviews and Tasks
(B) Suitability, Weaknesses, Outlines and Threats
(C) Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
(D) Sustainability, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

83. What is CDM in Sustainable Development?
(A) Clean Development Mechanism
(B) Consensus Developing Measures
(C) Cognitive Distribution Management
(D) Common Development Measures

84. Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty on climate change focused on :
(A) to encourage renewable energy
(B) to protect the green reserve of the world
(C) to avoid nuclear pollution
(D) to reduce green house gas emission

85. To avoid environmental catastrophe, developing countries like Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica took the initiative :
(A) say no to plastic
(B) go back to nature
(C) rain forest initiative
(D) improve sustainable use

86. UN Conference of 1979 was on
(A) Deforestation
(B) Desertification
(C) Biosphere deprival
(D) River floods

87. Vienna Conference of 1985 was for the protection of :
(A) Ozone layer
(B) Endangered plant species
(C) Oceans
(D) Amazon forest

88. In 2002, World Summit on Sustainable development held at Johannesberg discussed on water, energy, ––––––––––, agriculture and biodiversity
(A) global warming
(B) forest
(C) health
(D) space

89. In 1971, ‘Man and the Biosphere programme was launched by :
(C) Tokyo Conference

90. A method for calculating damage to nature and the environment is called :
(A) Exploitive imprint
(B) Biocapacity range
(C) Eco-logical footprint
(D) Environ index

91. In which of the following mode of communication in health, feedback is an important factor?
(A) Transactional communication
(B) Non-verbal communication
(C) Personal communication
(D) Professional communication

Question Cancelled

92. To avoid being static and realise who we are in communication, the health care students must have :
(A) Gender
(B) Culture
(C) Identity
(D) Power

93. The professional responsibility in health communication to ensure no harm to patients is called :
(A) Valid concern
(B) Obligations to inform
(C) Client confidentiality
(D) Duty of care

94. The communication strategies in a health network were individuals who are sought by others for information and advice about the concerned topic are :
(A) Cluster managers
(B) Opinion leaders
(C) Outreach coordinators
(D) PBL tutors

95. During the work placement, the process of conversing with a team by a health professional is called :
(A) Role–plays
(B) Case studs presentation
(C) Team meeting
(D) Group discussion
Question Cancelled

96. Which among the following is not a reason for giving healthcare feedback?
(A) To provide feedback on previous medical records
(B) To provide feedback on behaviour
(C) To affirm on medications
(D) To reinforce skills

97. Pick among the following, which is not a Difficult Conversations
(A) Telling about negatives before positives to a patient
(B) Assertive
(C) Clarity and respect
(D) Focusing on the reported behaviour

98. Which is not an example of synchronous communication in health?
(A) Teleconferencing
(B) Face-to-face learning
(C) Online tools
(D) Email

99. A challenging situation in healthcare communication is :
(A) Talking on healthcare expenses
(B) Discussion on personal matters
(C) Delivering bad news
(D) Communicating on treatment shift

100. According to whom, the process of health communication is listening, dialoguing and acting?
(A) Freire
(B) J.S. Mill
(C) Kant
(D) Hobbes

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