PTHSA (Kannada)/ HSA (Kannada) - Question and Answer Key

Name of Post: PTHSA (Kannada)/ HSA (Kannada)

Department: Education

Cat.No: 273/2017, 514/2019

Date of Test:15.11.2021

Question Code: 112/2021 

1. Who presided the famous Lahore session of 1929?
(A) Pherozeshah Mehta
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) WC Bannerjee
(D) Surendra Nath Banerjee

2. Which commission is known as White Man Commission?
(A) Simon Commission
(B) Whitley Commission
(C) Butler Commission
(D) Fraser Commission

3. Which of the following is correctly paired?
(A) Citizen ship Act – 1957
(B) Hindu Succession Act– 1955
(C) Copyright Act –1958
(D) Dowry Prohibition Act –1961

4. Mahatma Gandhi’s remark ‘A post — dated cheque on a Crumbling bank’ pertains to which proposal:
(A) Cabinet Mission
(B) Wavell Mission
(C) Cripps Mission
(D) Mount Batten Plan

5. The partition of Bengal was cancelled during the time of:
(A) Lord Curzon
(B) Lord Ripon
(C) Lord Lytton
(D) Lord Hardinge

6. What is Sansad TV?
(A) New Screen installed outside the parliament of India
(B) A new channel started in place of DD
(C) A channel formed by merger of Loksabha TV and Rajyasabha TV
(D) None of the above

7. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
(A) Pankaj Adwani : Billiards
(B) Anjali Bhagwat : Shooting
(C) Muhammed Anas Yahiya : Boxing
(D) Deep Malik : Athletics

8. Who has been selected for the International Anti Corruption Champion award 2021?
(A) Kiran Bedi
(B) Anjali Bhardwaj
(C) Medha Kumar
(D) Medha Patkar

9. Who among following considered as the Father of Artificial Intelligence?
(A) Charles Babbage
(B) John McCarthy
(C) Lee Dee Forest
(D) J.P. Eckert

10. Which of the following article of Indian constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression?
(A) Article 19 1(a)
(B) Article 20
(C) Article 21 A
(D) Article 22

11. Who is known as mother of Indian Revolution?
(A) Aruna Asaf Ali
(B) Madam Bhikaji Cama
(C) Sarojini Naidu
(D) Pritilata Waddedar

12. Which of the following is an Indian News Agency?
(B) AP
(D) Tass Ittar

13. Which Television series has won the best series award at golden Globe 2021?
(A) The Crown
(B) Gray’s Anatomy
(C) Delhi Crime
(D) A Handmaiden’s Tale

14. Which of the following river originates as well as ends in the territory of India?
(A) Brahmaputra
(B) Indus
(C) Kosi
(D) Chambal

15. The highest dam of India is:
(A) Bhakra dam
(B) Nagarjuna sagar dam
(C) Hirakud dam
(D) Tehri dam

16. Which of the following concept related to critical pedagogy?
(A) Humanisation
(B) Liberatory Education
(C) Problem posing Education
(D) All these

17. In the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy ‘Knowledge of principles is a:
(A) Factual knowledge
(B) Conceptual knowledge
(C) Procedural knowledge
(D) Meta Cognitive knowledge

18. Which one is not a Herbartian step in Lesson planning?
(A) Introduction
(B) Development
(C) Application
(D) Recapitalisation

19. Which of the following is not a technique for socialized recitation?
(A) Conference
(B) Seminar
(C) Symposium
(D) Work shop

20. The Limitation of essay type question:
(A) Lack of validity
(B) Lack of Reliability
(C) Lack of objectivity
(D) All these  












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