Cath Lab Technician - Medical Education Question

Name of Post: Cath Lab Technician

Department: Medical Education

Cat. No: 202/2019

1. Who published first human Electrocardiogram ?
 A) William Einthoven
 B) Augustus D Waller
 C) William Harvey
 D) Luigi Galvani

 2. Exercise ECG is a valuable procedure for the assessment of
 A) Ventricular Function
 B) Valvular Function
 C) Cardiomyopathy
 D) Ischemic Heart Disease

 3. In an ECG paper each large square equals _________ in height.
 A) 0.04 mv
 B) 0.1 mv
 C) 0.5 mv
 D) 0.20 mv

 4. What is the normal value of ST segment in an ECG ?
 A) 0.12 – 0.2 second
 B) 0.09 – 0.11 second
 C) 0.05 – 0.15 second
 D) 0.35 – 0.44 second

 5. How to calculate the target heart rate of a female patient, to stop the Tread mill test ?
 A) 210-age
 B) 220-age
 C) 300-age
 D) 320-age

 6. Which one of the following test is used to detect arrhythmias, ischemia or coronary artery spasm ?
 A) Echocardiography
 B) Holter Monitoring
 C) Exercise Test
 D) Electrocardiography

 7. Lead V6 is placed over ___________ intercostals space in the left mid axillary line.
 A) 5
 B) 4
 C) 2
 D) 6

 8. In which year first human Electrocardiogram is published ?
 A) 1901
 B) 1872
 C) 1895
 D) 1887

 9. Which one of the following measures blood flowing through the arteries and shows the pattern of flow through the heart ?
 A) Transthoracic Echocardiogram
 B) Transoesophageal Echocardiogram
 C) Stress Echocardiogram
 D) Doppler Echocardiogram
10. For hypertrophy condition which of the following is selected for standardization ?
 A) 10 mm
 B) 5 mm
 C) 2.5 mm
 D) 20 mm

 11. ________ is used for scanning and imaging purpose of the body.
 A) Complex tone
 B) Pure tone
 C) Ultrasound
 D) Infrasonic sound

 12. The process of recording electrical activity of the heart over a period of time using electrode is called
 A) Holter Monitoring
 B) Echocardiography
 C) Electrocardiography
 D) TMT Test

 13. In a normal ECG waveform the amplitude of R wave is
 A) 0.1 mv
 B) 1.60 mv
 C) 0.25 mv
 D) 0.5 mv
 14. In echocardiography position of the transducer over the apex in the 5th intercostal space is called
 A) Apical location
 B) Subcostal location
 C) Suprasternal location
 D) Parasternal location

 15. The loss of rhythmical activity of the heart is called
 A) Angina
 B) Heart block
 C) Arrhythmias
 D) Coronary Artery Disease

 16. Which of the following is known as ambulatory ECG Recording ?
 A) Stress Test
 B) Angiography
 C) Holter Monitoring
 D) Angioplasty

 17. Lead aVF records the actual potential in
 A) Right Arm
 B) Left Arm
 C) Right Foot
 D) Left Foot

 18. Which type of transducer is used in Echocardiography ?
 A) Inductive Transducer
 B) Piezoelectric Transducer
 C) Thermoelectric Transducer
 D) Photoelectric Transducer

 19. T wave in normal ECG is due to
 A) Depolarisation of atria
 B) Repolarisation of ventricles
 C) Depolarisation of ventricles
 D) None of the above

 20. The range of ultrasound frequency used for echocardiography is
 A) 20 to 20000 Hz
 B) Above 20 KHz
 C) Below 20 Hz
 D) 1 to 7 MHz

 21. In an electrocardiograph flow of current perpendicular to lead shows _________deflection.
 A) Positive
 B) Biphasic
 C) Negative
 D) No change

 22. In echocardiography which type of signals are used in paediatric cases ?
 A) Low frequency ultrasonic signals
 B) Medium frequency ultrasonic signals
 C) High frequency ultrasonic signals
 D) None of the above

 23. The standard speed for recording ECG is ________ mm/sec.
 A) 60 mm/sec
 B) 25 mm/sec
 C) 50 mm/sec
 D) 75 mm/sec

 24. Based on universal colour code ‘Yellow colour’ is used for ________ lead position.
 A) Right Leg
 B) Chest
 C) Left Leg
 D) Left Arm

 25. What will do when the graph paper showing excessive ST depression in exercise test ?
 A) Increase the speed
 B) Increase the slope
 C) Continue the test
 D) Stop the test

 26. When the amplitude of the ECG too low, ______ is to be adjusted.
 A) Electrode position
 B) Gain control
 C) Filter AC
 D) Start/Stop button

 27. Which test is used to assess the size of cardiac chambers, ventricular functions,valvular functions and nature of pericardium ?
 A) Holter Monitor
 B) Angiogram
 C) Electrocardiography
 D) Echocardiography

 28. The theoretical straight line joining the two electrode is called
 A) Augmented leads
 B) Horizontal plane
 C) Lead axis
 D) Calibration

 29. In echocardiography which technique gives detailed information about atherosclerosis of heart blood vessel ?
 A) Transthoracic echocardiogram
 B) Intravascular ultrasound
 C) Transoesophageal echocardiogram
 D) Doppler echocardiography

 30. Holter Monitor was developed in which year ?
 A) 1924
 B) 1950
 C) 1929
 D) 1949

 31. It is said that yearly 3 to 4 patients are rejected for cardiac catheterisation due to overweight in USA. What is the limit for maximum patient weight for the X-ray table on which patient is positioned in cath lab ?
 A) 180 kg
 B) 250 kg
 C) 325 kg
 D) 450 kg

 32. What is the loading dose of Ticagrelor before coronary Angioplasty in a patient with acute coronary syndrome ?
 A) 600 mg
 B) 60 mg
 C) 90 mg
 D) 180 mg

 33. Which among the following drug is not a coronary artery Dilator ?
 A) Adenosine
 B) Ergonovine
 C) Nitroprusside
 D) Verapamil

 34. Which test is performed before radial artery catheterisation, to assess patency of radial and ulnar arteries ?
 A) Allen Test
 B) Barbeau Test
 C) Both
 D) None

 35. Balloon Assisted Tracking (BAT) is used during
 A) Trans radial catheterisation for negotiating loops, tortuosities and spasm
 B) Coronary angioplasty in heavily calcified vessels
 C) Angioplasty of totally occluded SFA
 D) To pass endograft through heavily calcified aorta during EVAR

 36. Approximately how long manual compression be applied after sheath removal for attaining hemostasis
 A) 2 minutes per sheath size in F
 B) 8 minutes per sheath size in F
 C) 10 minutes per sheath size in F
 D) 5 minutes per sheath size in F

 37. Which size of JL catheter will you select for coronary angiogram in a patient with aortic regurgitation and dilated aorta of 50 mm ?
 A) 3 cm JL
 B) 3.5 cm JL
 C) 5 cm JL
 D) None of these

 38. The number of holes in a Multipurpose Catheter
 A) An end hole only
 B) An end hole and 2 side holes
 C) An end hole and 4 side holes
 D) An end hole and 5 side holes

 39. Which among the following catheter you prefer to engage a high left coronary take off from ascending aorta ?
 A) Judkins Left 3.5
 B) Amplatz Left 2
 C) Multipurpose catheter
 D) Both B) and C) are suitable

 40. Normal TIMI Frame Count for LAD artery is
 A) 36
 B) 21
 C) 22
 D) 18

 41. In approximately what percentage of population you see left coronary dominance ?
 A) 7%
 B) 45%
 C) 85%
 D) 25%

 42. Which LV wall is not seen in a 30 degree RAO view during standard left ventriculography ?
 A) High lateral
 B) Anterior
 C) Septal
 D) Inferior

 43. Which angiographic projection is used to demonstrate shunt through ASD after injecting dye into pulmonary artery ?
 A) LAO cranial
 B) AP cranial
 C) RAO cranial
 D) RAO caudal

 44. What percentage of electrical energy provided to the tube is eventually converted to X-ray ?
 A) 0.2 to 0.6%
 B) 2 to 6%
 C) 20 to 60%
 D) 10 – 20%

 45. During angiographic studies, what percentage of the X-ray energy entering the body is absorbed ?
 A) 15%
 B) 35%
 C) 70%
 D) 90%

 46. Which of the following contrast is iso-osmolar non-ionic dimer ?
 A) lopamidol
 B) lodixanol
 C) loxaglate
 D) lohexol

 47. Total pulmonary resistance is calculated as
 A) (Mean PA pressure – Mean LA pressure)/CO
 B) (PA systolic pressure – Mean LA pressure)/CO
 C) Mean PA pressure/CO
 D) PVR/Body surface area

 48. In a patient with Aortic stenosis and resting cardiac output of 5L/minute with a LV-Aortic peak to peak pressure difference of 65mm Hg, quick aortic valve area by Hakke formula in cm2 is
 A) 0.63
 B) 0.83
 C) 0.93
 D) 1.12

 49. How a low flow state affect the estimation of severity of valve stenosis by Gorlin’s equation ?
 A) Underestimate severity
 B) Overestimate severity
 C) Both A) and B)
 D) Unaffected

 50. If SVC saturation is 70% and IVC saturation is 82% the MVO2 will be
 A) 73%
 B) 76%
 C) 80%
 D) 70%

 51. What change in hemodynamic tracing is produced if there is an air bubble in LV pressure line ?
 A) Exaggerated systolic and diastolic over shoot
 B) Overdamping of tracing
 C) Systolic overshoot only, diastole unaffected
 D) No change

 52. In which condition you see LV pressure lower than aortic pressure ?
 A) Loose tubing connection
 B) Heterotopic transplant
 C) Extra cardiac hemodynamic support
 D) All the above

 53. For every waveform, the LA pressure rise precedes that of PCWP by approximately
 A) 75 to 100 msec
 B) 100 to 150 msec
 C) 30 to 75 msec
 D) 150 to 170 msec

 54. The W or M pattern in RA pressure tracing is seen in
 A) Tricuspid stenosis
 B) VSD with severe TR
 C) Constrictive pericarditis
 D) Restrictive cardiomyopathy

 55. Brockenbrough-Braunwald-Morrow phenomenon is seen during catheterisation of a case of
 A) Constrictive pericarditis
 B) Restrictive cardiomyopathy
 D) Both B) and C)

 56. Which of the following right heart catheterisation data is consistent with diagnosis of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension ?
 A) mPAP > 25 mm Hg, PCWP > 15, PVR > 3 Wood units
 B) mPAP > 25 mm Hg, PCWP < 15 mm Hg, PVR > 3 Wood units
 C) mPAP > 25 mm Hg, PCWP > 15, PVR < 3 Wood units
 D) mPAP > 25 mm Hg, PCWP < 25 mm Hg, PVR < 3 Wood units

 57. Which leads represent the electrical activity of the inferior wall of the heart ?
 A) II, III, aVF
 B) I, aVL, V5, V6
 C) V1 to V4
 D) V7 to V9

 58. Pacemaker Syndrome occur in patients with
 A) VVI pacemaker only
 B) DDD pacemaker only
 C) Both VVI and DDD pacemakers
 D) VVI pacemaker with atrial fibrillation
59. Pacemaker Mediated Tachycardia (PMT) can be terminated with
 A) Application of a magnet over PG
 B) Retrograde V-A conduction block
 C) Programming longer PVARP
 D) All the above

 60. Normal H-V interval is
 A) 30 – 55 msec
 B) 50 – 150 msec
 C) 10 – 25 msec
 D) 170 – 290 msec

 61. A regular narrow QRS tachycardia with a rate of 150 in a patient with rheumatic heart disease is most likely
 A) Atrial fibrillation
 B) Atrial flutter
 C) Antidromic AVRT
 D) Fascicular VT

 62. The initial current used for defibrillation using biphasic defibrillator for treating VF is
 A) Unsynchronised 200 J
 B) Synchronised 200 J
 C) Unsynchronised 360 J
 D) Synchronised 360 J

 63. During IABP, balloon inflation should occur at
 A) R wave of ECG
 B) Tidal wave of aortic tracing
 C) ST segment of ECG
 D) Dicrotic notch of aortic tracing

 64. Considering its effect on augmenting circulation, which among the following give “complete support” ?
 C) TandemHeart
 D) Impella

 65. Optical Coherance Tomography (OCT) is a catheter based imaging system that uses ________ for imaging.
 A) Ultrasound
 B) X-ray
 C) Gamma radiation
 D) NIR light

 66. “Differential Cutting” is the machanism of plaque modification technique by
 A) Cutting Balloon
 B) Laser angioplasty
 C) Rotational Atherectomy
 D) Force Focussed Angioplasty

 67. WATCHMAN device is used for
 A) Paravalvular leak closure
 B) Post MI VSR closure
 C) LA appendage closure
 D) PDA closure

 68. Which of the following wire is hydrophilic polymer coated wire ?
 A) Choice PT
 B) Asahi Prowater
 C) Runthrough
 D) All

 69. Which is the correct statement regarding Left Main intervention ?
 A) Provisional stenting is adequate in most cases rather than routine 2 stent strategy
 B) Culotte Technique is preferred over provisional stenting
 C) T and small Protrusion is preferred over provisional stenting
 D) Double Kiss Crush Technique is preferred over provisional stenting

 70. If the distal LM-LCX angle is T shaped with significant disease of ostium of both LAD and LCX, the best stenting strategy among the following is
 A) DK crush
 B) Culotte
 C) Mini-crush
 D) Crush technique

 71. Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) is defined as known duration of coronary occlusion more than
 A) One month
 B) Three months
 C) Six months
 D) One year

 72. An operator is doing LAD-CTO angioplasty with an Amplatz guide in power position.
Patient suddenly become restless with tachycardia, severe hypotension and tachypnoea but no chest pain. ECG monitor doesn’t show much ischemic changes.
Echo doesn’t show pericardial effusion. The anxious operator after taking a check angio find it difficult to arrive at a conclusion. You have to warn the operator for possible
 A) Acute Mitral regurgitation
 B) Acute Aortic dissection
 C) Acute Aortic regurgitation
 D) Left main dissection

 73. The tip stiffness in g of Cross-It 400 wire is
 A) 4 g
 B) 6 g
 C) 9 g
 D) 12 g

 74. Which of the following wire is not a tapered tip wire ?
 A) Pilot 50
 B) Cross-It 200
 C) Confianza
 D) None of the above

 75. Which among the following is the least traumatic hydrophilic wire ?
 A) Pilot 50
 B) Shinobi plus
 C) Whisper
 D) PT Graphix

 76. Correct statement regarding Tornus Catheter is
 A) Used during CTO angioplasty
 B) Six stainless steel wires are stranded in the coil
 C) Advanced by clockwise rotation along the wire
 D) All are correct
77. Which of the following catheter is used for re-entry after subintimal passage while doing CTO angioplasty ?
 A) Crusade catheter
 B) Stingray system
 C) Venture catheter
 D) Both B) and C)

 78. Corsair Catheter is used during
 A) CTO angioplasty using retrograde approach
 B) Bifurcation angioplasty
 C) Angioplasty of tortuous lesions
 D) All the above

 79. While doing a bifurcation angioplasty, the size of main vessel stent must be preferably the size of
 A) Diameter of main vessel proximal to bifurcation
 B) Diameter of main vessel distal to the bifurcation
 C) (A + B)/2
 D) Diameter of Distal main vessel + 1.63 mm

 80. For a Medina 1.1.1 bifurcation lesion, if the size of distal branches are 3 mm each, the minimum size of the proximal vessel needed for doing Simultaneous Kissing Stenting (SKS) is
 A) 3 mm
 B) 3.6 mm
 C) 4.2 mm
 D) 4.8 mm

 81. Correct statement regarding perfect kissing balloon inflation is
 A) Non-compliant balloons are ideal
 B) Inflation pressure not to be < 16 mm Hg
 C) Deflation of balloons done simultaneously
 D) All are correct statements

 82. What is the size of balloon preferred for doing pulmonary valvuloplasty ?
 A) Same size as that of Pulmonary annulus
 B) Less than that of pulmonary annulus
 C) 1.2 to 1.5 times the size of pulmonary annulus
 D) 2 times the size of pulmonary annulus

 83. A minute of cine is essentially equivalent to ________ minutes of fluoroscopy.
 A) 5 minutes
 B) 10 minutes
 C) 2 minutes
 D) 6 minutes

 84. Correct statement regarding radiogenic neoplasm is
 A) It is related to age at exposure
 B) Females are more susceptible than males
 C) Both A) and B) are correct
 D) Both are wrong statement
85. Regarding retroperitoneal hematoma, which of the following is/are correct statements ?
 A) Occur when femoral artery is punctured below inguinal ligament
 B) Mortality rate is 25%
 C) Deformed urinary bladder in fluoroscopy
 D) All are correct

 86. Hepatoclavicular view is
 A) 70 degree LAO, 30 degree cranial
 B) 45 degree LAO, 45 degree cranial
 C) 15 degree LAO, 30 degree cranial
 D) 15 degree LAO, 15 degree cranial

 87. The ideal projection for imaging Main pulmonary artery Branch origins is
 A) AP caudal
 B) 45° LAO, 45° cranial
 C) 15° LAO, 30° cranial
 D) 70° LAO, 30° cranial

 88. Significant step up from RV to PA is diagnosed when O2 % saturation rise is more than _____%.
 A) >7
D) >2

 89. Normal arterio-venous oxygen difference in ml/L is
 A) 10 to 20
B) 20 to 30
C) 30 to 50
D) 50 to 65

 90. Equalisation of diastolic pressures across all four cardiac chambers during hemodynamic study suggest
 A) RSOV to RA
 B) VSD with TR
 C) Restrictive cardiomyopathy
 D) Constrictive pericarditis
91. During RF ablation of AVNRT, dual AV nodal physiology is suggested by
 A) AH jump more than 50 msec for a decrease of 10 msec S1-S2 interval
 B) AH jump more than 10 msec for a decrease of 10 msec S1-S2 interval
 C) AH jump more than 25 msec for a decrease of 10 msec S1-S2 interval
 D) AH jump more than 15 msec for a decrease of 10 msec S1-S2 interval

 92. Which of the following patient benefit from IABP ?
 A) Acute aortic regurgitation with pulmonary oedema and hypotension
 B) Acute aortic dissection with coronary occlusion
 C) Acute MI with cardiogenic shock and VSR
 D) All the above

 93. Select the correct statement from the following regarding use of rotablator.
 A) Rotablation is contraindicated for instent restenosis
 B) Speed drop upto 30,000 rpm during advancement is permissible
 C) Never advance the burr in dynaglide mode
 D) All are correct

 94. Late stent thrombosis is defined as thrombosis of stent
 A) After 24 hours to within 30 days
 B) From 30 days to one year
 C) After one year
 D) After six months

 95. Cut off value for normal ankle brachial index is
 A) > 0.9
 B) > 0.7
 C) > 0.6
D) > 0.4

 96. The radiation exposure to cath lab technician is much less than that of the operator in a given case. The basis for the statement is
 A) Wein’s law
 B) Planck radiation law
 C) Inverse square law
 D) Stefan-Boltzmann law

 97. When blindly puncturing femoral artery under X-ray guidance, the land mark for needle entry into CFA is
 A) Inferior medial quadrant of femoral head
 B) Superior medial quadrant of femoral head
 C) Inferior border of middle of femoral head
 D) Middle of lateral one third of femoral head

 98. What is the maximum occupational radiation limit for an invasive cardiologist ?
 A) 10 rem per year
 B) 5 rem per year
 C) 15 rem per year
 D) 20 rem per year

 99. Which angiographic view leads to greatest amount of radiation exposure to the operator ?
 A) RAO caudal
 B) RAO cranial
 C) LAO cranial
 D) LAO caudal

 100. Resting coronary flow diminishes when the stenosis severity is
 A) >50%
 B) >60%
 C) >70%
 D) >90%

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