Full Name of V.T. Bhattathiripad - Vellithiruthi Thazhattu Karutha Patteri Raman Bhattatiripad
Born on - 26 March 1896
Born at - Mezhathur
Father - Thuppan Bhattathiripad
Mother - Sreedevi Andarjanam
- Who Propagated Mixed Caste Marriage in Brahmin Society - V.T. Bhattathiripad
- Yogakshema Sabha was founded on - 1908 (Aluva)
- V.T. Bhattathiripad was one of the prominent members in - Yogakshema Sabha
- The Slogan of Yogakshema Sabha - Make Namboothiries into Human beings
- First President of Yogakshema Sabha - Deshamangalathu Sankaran Namboothiripad
- The mouthpiece of Yogakshema Sabha - Mangalodhayam
- Founder of Namboothiri Yuvajana Sangam (1919) - V.T. Bhattathiripad
- The mouthpiece of Namboothiri Yuvajana Sangam - Unni Namboothiri
- The drama "Adukkalayil Ninnum Arangathekku" was written by - V.T. Bhattathiripad
- The drama "Adukkalayil Ninnum Arangathekku" was first performed at - Edakkunni (1929)
- The leader of Yajana Yathra - V.T. Bhattathiripad
- Yajana Yathra was conducted from - Thrissur to Chandragiripuzha (Kasaragod), Aim - Education of the Poor Children
- Yajana Yathra was conducted on - 26 April 1931
- Autobiography of V.T. Bhattathiripad - Kannerum Kinavum
- Major Works of V.T. Bhattathiripad
b) Adukkalayil Ninnum Arangathekku
c) Rajani Rangam
d) Karmavipakam
e) Vedivettom
f) Karinchantha
g) Pozhinjapookal
h) Chakravalangal
i) Satyamennathu Ivida Manushyanakunnu
- Winner of V.T. Memorial Award 20ll - Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiripad
- Winner of V.T. Memorial Award 2012 - Dr. K.Srikumar
- The winner of Kerala Sahithya Academy Award in 1972 - V.T. Bhattathiripad
- The V.T. Bhattathiripad College is situated in - Sreekrishnapuram (Palakkad)
- Died on - 12 February 1982

1971 is correct